
  sub PUTSTRING(s$, x%, y%)
  '   ⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺
  for c = 1 to len(s$)
	  sc$ = MID$(s$, c, 1)
    this$ = _GETCHR$(ASC(sc$))
    for yi = 0 to 7
      for xi = 0 to 7
        IF MID$(this$, xi + yi*8, 1) = "X" THEN PSET (x% + xi + c*8, y% + yi)
      next xi
    next yi
  next c
  end sub


  screen _newimage(197, 127, 14)
  let couleur% = 1 : let angle% = 0

    color 0
    pset (42, 60), 0
    draw "B TA" + STR$(angle%+180) + " L50"
    PUTSTRING("XxXxXxxXxXxX", point(0), point(1))
    color couleur%
    pset (42, 60), 0
    draw "B TA" + STR$(angle%) + " L50"
    PUTSTRING("Hello World!", point(0), point(1))
    _delay 0.125
    couleur% = ( couleur% + 1 ) mod 64
    angle% = angle% + 3
  goto ➔again: